My Travels Around the World

Tag: Simón Bolívar

Colombia Part 13: Bogota

Bogota, Colombia

Summer 2018

Bogota is the largest city and the capital of Colombia. This was the last stop on our trip before heading back home, and it was a fitting end to a wonderful tour of Colombia. We flew in from Medellin and were picked up by our host and guide supreme for the next three days, Juan Camacho. Juan had been guiding for six years at that point and had a master’s degree in history. His plan was to one day return to the university and become a professor. After three days learning from him, I’m sure he would excel at that as well. [Update: since we were there a few years ago, he has indeed gone back to teaching.] Juan not only had the book learning about Bogota, his father was a high-ranking official and so he grew up with threats and guards – true first-hand experience of life in Colombia.

Colombia Part 1: Cartagena

July 23, 2018, Monday


Unexpectedly, we had to cancel a trip in May and felt robbed. So we decided to plan another trip. June wasn’t a possibility, so that left July. Where to go in July? It’s summer which means most places, like in Europe or Asia, are crowded and hot. Ah, how about South America? How about Colombia? A place we had not yet been to. So, at the last minute, we made our plans and went.

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